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Wonderful Moment with Wonder Teen Magazine

Hello readers! So sorry for late post 🙁
Aku baru aja selesai UAS dan lagi prepare buat skripsi/tugas akhir (T.A). Super hectic!
I have a story on January 17th, 2014. I’m the winner of MIX N’ MATCH COMPETITION from Wonder Teen Magazine. Selain shopping voucher, pemenang juga dapet kesempatan buat meet up bareng Kevin Andrean (an actor, known for The Sinking of Van Der Wijck film) di Lotte Shopping Avenue, Jakarta.
Karena kebetulan 17 Januari hari Jumat dan aku musti UAS di jam yang sama dengan ketemuan bareng Kevin alhasil aku telat!!! 🙁 
Cuma ketemu sebentar banget sama Kevin huhuhu….. *crying*
Lunch at LEKO Lotte Shopping Avenue with Kevin Andrean, the other winners and crew of Wonder Teen Magazine

with Kevin Andrean

Shopping Time!!!
Niken Setyarini
Audia PV
Amanda Desty Y
Snapback by Shoutcap | Dress by Second Drama | Baggy Cardigan | Wedges Sneakers by Adorable Project
The Winners of Mix n’ Match Competition by Wonder Teen Magazine
Amanda, Niken, Audia
Udah capek muter-muter Lotte Shopping Avenue buat ngabisin shopping voucher :))
I bought shoes, shirt, pants and underwear set. Hahaha!!! >.<
And thanks a lot Wonder Teen Magazine for that awesome moment. Keep on success and stay awesome magazine!! 
Goodie Bag from Wonder Teen Magazine

See You On My Next Post!

With love,

Welcome to my corner of the internet! I'm Amanda Desty, the writer behind this lifestyle blog where I share my passion for fashion, beauty, travel and anything else that sparks joy. Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you find something here that resonates with you! ♥︎


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