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I’m Twenty

Alhamdulillah Thanks Allah… Today i’m 20 years old.
Thanks for Mom, Dad, my friends and all people who give me a birthday greetings. Love you all πŸ™‚

By the way, Ill announce the winners of #20MNDAGVWAY
i’m so sorry for being late to announce the winners. My internet connection is really really bad :(((
 Artwork from : M. Nasihin twitter account : @xinnosuke | #20MNDAGVWAYARTW
 Artwork from : Lutfi Zakaria twitter account : @Lutfizaka | #20MNDAGVWAYARTW
 Artwork from : Heru Prasetyo twitter account : @heruprst #20MNDAGVWAYARTW
 Photo Fashion from : Yusriani H twitter account : @Rhyusriani | #20MNDAGVWAYPHOCOM
 Photo Fashion from : Khulaila #20MNDAGVWAYPHOCOM
 Photo Fashion from : Rufaidah Izzatun twitter account : @Uffasutar | #20MNDAGVWAYPHOCOM
Artwork from : Rezky Hafis Y twitter account : @hafisme | #20MNDAGVWAYARTW
Artwork from : Aji Riyantani twitter account : @si_wel | #20MNDAGVWAYARTW
Artwork – Short Video from : Dinda Bestari twitter account : @dindaebess | #20MNDAGVWAYARTW
Artwork from : Arik Febri twitter account : @malindo_s | #20MNDAGVWAYARTW
Congratulation for all winners. I’ll contact you via email and twitter, tomorrow. Now, i’m tired. Hehehe…
Buat kamu yang nggak menang, jangan kecewa ya πŸ˜‰


Welcome to my corner of the internet! I'm Amanda Desty, the writer behind this lifestyle blog where I share my passion for fashion, beauty, travel and anything else that sparks joy. Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you find something here that resonates with you! β™₯︎


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