Make Up


Iseng-iseng bikin postingan tentang make up karena aku abis ikut Makeup Contest by PAC. Hehehe…
Mungkin bisa kalian pake buat photo session, party dan lain-lain.
step by step
Use a blue, green, soft purple and amber for eyeshadow.
Bloody red lipstick.
And Voilaaaaa…….

One more… Colorful makeup by my sister. Soft purple, green and pink for eyeshadow. Purple lipstick.

See You On My Next Post!

With love,

Welcome to my corner of the internet! I'm Amanda Desty, the writer behind this lifestyle blog where I share my passion for fashion, beauty, travel and anything else that sparks joy. Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you find something here that resonates with you! ♥︎


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